
The Virginia Thoroughbred Association (VTA) cultivates the development of the Commonwealth’s heritage as a producer of quality Thoroughbred horses. Lucrative incentive programs available to horsemen include the Virginia Breeders Fund (to encourage Thoroughbred breeding in the Commonwealth), a Certified-Residency initiative and many others with details at


The Virginia Harness Horse Association offers a series of racing and breeding incentive programs for owners, trainers, drivers and breeders. Initiatives include Certified Residency, Sired Stakes and Breeders’ Fund programs with details at


The Virginia Gold Cup (spring) and International Gold Cup (fall) steeplechase races in the Plains, VA are a celebration of hunt country tradition with decades-old traditions. Other NSA sanctioned jump race meets are held in Charlottesville (Foxfield Spring/Fall), in Middleburg (Spring/Fall) and at James Madison’s Montpelier (Fall).

VA Horsemen's Benevolent & Protective Association

The Virginia Horsemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association (VHBPA) is a non-profit membership organization that represents thoroughbred owners and trainers who race in Virginia. The VHPBA negotiates with track management for race days, dates and purses, and also provides educational, recreational, health, counseling and religious programs for backstretch workers.